Thursday, February 11, 2010

Making Nikki~cakes for Valentine's Day....

What other color would you use for heart day? RED!!
Only Martha Stewart liners will do for this occassion!
Top it off with a heart!
Can't go wrong with red sprinkles....
One of my with white polka dots!
Happy Heart Day from Nik~Naks!
And everyone deserves pink roses on Valentine's Day~
A pink heart for a pink cupcake!~
Get creative as you want to!
I love this one so much I thought I would show it again....
Too cute for words!
Love filled my kitchen!
I really put my heart and soul into these cuties!~
They turned out perfect!
A gift of LOVE!
What better way to tell someone you love them......
Put it in a cute box and you have yourself a Nikki~Cake!
Order yours today!!!!

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